Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan. 2, 2012  Lean on Me
For his Birthday, I gave my husband a new zoom lens for our camera.  He really enjoys taking photos, esp of nature and using natural light where I have no clue how to use a camera.  I have been reading camera tips on pinterest so I will learn to use that black metal/plastic thing with a glass front.  I think it is called a camera???
To try out his new toy, Randy, Maranda & I took a trip to our new Homesight (home not built yet) and snapped a few photos.  I decided on the poses while Randy set the tripod, camera and zoom.  It really is team work!  I think this one is my favorite.  Both ladies, Maranda and myself are leaning on our guy just as we lean/depend on him in our daily lives. 

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